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What does the WMF 2024 Investor Ticket include?

  • With the Investor Ticket, you gain access to all the events scheduled during the three-day WMF, immersing yourself in the international innovation ecosystem. You will be able to participate in all initiatives, events, and business and networking activities, as well as concerts, entertainment, shows, and training sessions at the WMF. You will engage with startups selected from the WMF calls, participate in all initiatives of the World Startup Fest and the Open Innovation Fest, meeting startups and scaleups from around the world and the major international innovation stakeholders.

  • An unique opportunity to directly connect with international startups within the WMF ecosystem, share knowledge, and discover new investment opportunities in a dynamic and stimulating environment. You'll be able to engage with teams, explore innovative projects, and seize business matching opportunities with entities from around the world.

  • Access B2B meetings with partners and corporates from national and international contexts. Expand your business matching opportunities by connecting with a highly profiled audience in the field of innovative entrepreneurship, paving the way for strategic partnerships and synergies that could lead to new investment or collaboration opportunities.

  • Approach public entities, institutions, and governmental organizations to fully understand the regulatory landscape and access resources and support for your investments in the context of innovation and entrepreneurial development. You will have the opportunity to engage with institutional representatives from municipal administrations or regional governments, members of national, European, and supranational parliamentary bodies who gather at the WMF every year.

  • Within a dedicated area at the trade fair space, you will have access to exclusive networking sessions with investors from around the world. A unique opportunity to exchange ideas, experiences, and share investment opportunities in an international context.

  • You will have access to an exclusive evening for investors within the international network of WMF, where they will have the opportunity to meet, share insights, and explore synergies in a completely informal and reserved environment.

  • With this ticket, you will have access to the Innovation Night, the exclusive event where you can engage in constructive dialogues with founders and teams of innovative startups, in an informal and relaxed atmosphere. The Innovation Night is designed to encourage the exchange of ideas and the creation of future collaborations.

  • Before, during, and after the WMF, you will have access to the interactive web app, through which you can connect with participants, guests, exhibitors, and startups from around the world. Within the web app, you will have access to the Job Placement service, which facilitates the matching of job seekers with opportunities in the digital market. You can also consult the program and organize your appointments and networking activities before, during, and after the event.