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Full Ticket on offer at 349€+VAT last days

  • This ticket guarantees your participation in Rimini and Online to attend WMF2022, this coming June 16th 17th 18th in the Rimini Expo Centre. An agenda of over 100 events awaits for you alternating live concerts, cinema projections, training meetings, business and networking opportunities, shows, cinema, eSports and much more. With the Rimini Full Ticket you will be able to access every training stage that will provide you with a 360-degree education on Digital Innovation, Web Marketing and Entrepreneurship. WMF will also feature several theme-dedicated festivals such as the World Startup Fest, dedicated tpo Startup and Scaleup from the world, the Innovation Film Fest, Digital Tourism Fest, the Drones Area and the eSports Area. This ticket includes the activation of your personal profile within the interactive platform, available during and after the event and after. will upgrade the Festival experience making it further more integrated and immersive, allowing you to get in touch - whenever you feel like to - with every other WMF participant, sponsor or speaker

  • Education has always been WMF’s beating heart. Every year houndreds of speakers and guests from all over the world share their professional skills and experience on Web Marketing and Digital Innovation within the several training stages and the WMF Mainstage. Each stage put the focus on a specific theme, such as Entrepreneurship, Web Analytics, Design, E-commerce, SEO, Big Data, Social Media Strategies, Esports, Advertising and much more. With this Ticket you have full access to WMF’s educational program - 60 training stages in 2021 only -  events organised by WMF sponsors and partners, video records and slideshow presentations of every speech.

  • Business and networking possibilities double with the physical and virtual Expo Area held inside and outside the Rimini Expo Centre and virtually through the interactive platform Here you will be able to interact with corporates, leading players and WMF Sponsors, boosting your opportunities to do business and achieve personal growth. Access also to the Drones Area and eSports Area, to the Startup District - entirely dedicated to Startups and Scaleups - the Book District dedicated to publishers and writers, the NPOs District and the Maker&Tech District, which will engage you with a showcase of the latest innovative products, prototypes and new VR and AR technologies, as well as 3D Printing, Robotics and much more. These areas will see several business and networking opportunities flourish fostering the meeting between exhibitors, startups, participants and leading players of the innovative sector. Also the Italian Ministry of Culture and corporations like Stellantis, which will set up driver circuits, Data Reply, Hoepli, Trustpilot, Aruba, Esa - European Space Agency, Infinity Mediaset, Nexi, Sprinklre and many more will attend the Expo Area. 

  • The Mainstage, worldwide live streamed, sums up our main ambitions: sharing knowledge about digital and social innovation and future trends. Attending WMF Mainstage you will witness: inspirational talks, discussions on future trends of the innovation realm, in-depth thoughts on current issues, showcases of innovative projects and researches on the social impact of innovation and much more. Co-conducted - in past editions - by the Italian Actor Alessandro Borghi, and the tv presenters Diletta Leotta, Giorgia Rossi, Cristina Chiabotto and Giorgia Plamas WMF Mainstage will alternate - 100% live - also entertaining moments and shows, live concerts and cinema projections, further enhanced by the contribution of artists . such as Roy Paci & Aretuska, QueenMania and Stato Sociale and representative from National and International leading corporates as INTEL, Amazon, TikTok and Linkedin. In addition, it will be on the Mainstage that the 6 startups qualified for the Final of WMF Startup Competition - the biggest Startup Competition in Italy -  will compete against each other to win the competition - anche the prizes! Also the WMF Award Ceremony will be held on the Mainstage, the  Award Ceremony of the Innovation Film Fest - second edition.

  • With the Rimini Full Ticket you can access the World Startup Fest - a series of events entirely dedicated to Scaleups and Startups from all over the world - that will take place within WMF, giving you the chance to participate in multiple initiatives. Starting from the Startup International Showcase, an initiative that sees 8 Startups from all over the world present their realities and offer an international point of view about the worldwide innovative panorama, to the Scaleup for Future, a panel where 5 Scaleups -  from different continets -, well-positioned on their reference market, present successful case studies with WMF’s entrepreneurial network and audience. In addition,you will be able to access the Startup District - physically and online through the platform - to get in touch with the most innovative National and International startups, assist the WMF Startup Competition Final - the largest international Startup Competition in Italy, and reach to the Startup Stage - an open stage where, in front of a professional jury composed by investors and incubators from the international scene, startups selected from WMF Innovation Team will challenge each other with elevator-pitches.

  • The Rimini Ticket will also give you to access to sectoral events that will take place within WMF2022. You will be able to participate, both in Rimini and Online, in the Digital Tourism Festival, in the E-commerce Festival, in Book&Publishing events and in the Innovation Film Fest, an event dedicated to cinema and short films with awards, meetings and film screenings.

  • Benefit from - in Rimini and also Online - all the events and initiatives promoted to foster employment in the digital sector, through business meetings and professional networking within the Digital Job Fair. You will be able to take part in the Digital Job Placement, WMF’s recruiting service that puts you in contact with companies with open jobs, or also take part in the Business Matching or Speed Meeting, on site in Rimini or Online through the interactive platform And that’s not all - access the HR Room & Smart Working Area where to follow inspirational speeches providing useful tools to have a better understanding of the constant changes that innovation is bringing to the job market.

  • Rimini Full Ticket includes free and automatic access to the interactive platform, where participants can find all the video records and the slideshow presentations of every speech held within WMF Training Stages. On you will be able to double your networking possibilities with participants and company representatives, speakers, sponsors, exhibitors, writers, artists, eGamers and many more. Your Ibrida account will be also active after the event and, within it, you will find over 350 speeches for you to watch whenever you like, giving you the chance to best deepen your knowledge on topics of your interest, without losing even a minute of training. Moreover, you will be able to download WMF2022 Participation Certificate and access exclusive benefits such as special discounts on other Search On training classes and much more